X2g0 Authentication That Can Continue Keyboard interactive

Installing and using x2go

  • Installing and using x2go
    • Installing x2go on CC7/SLC6
    • Installing x2go on Windows machines
      • With administator rigths
      • Without administrator rigths
    • MacOS X
    • Ubuntu/Debian
      • Quick
      • Detailed
  • Using x2go client
  • Server url:
    • Please use the following urls: lbx2go and lbnx
    • Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Various tips and tricks
      • Tab-key not working for bash-completion on XFCE

  • sudo yum install x2goclient (you need the EPEL repository enabled).
  • All users with pclhcb computers that do not have sudo rigths can open a ticket there.

With administator rigths

Download latest x2goclient for Windows and install.

Without administrator rigths

If you have to install it without Administrator rigths:

  1. Open the X2Go Client setup.exe in an archive manager such as 7-zip.
  2. Extract all the contents to a new folder of your choosing. Let's assume this folder is called �x2goclient�.

  3. Move the �pulse� and �VcXsrv� folders from under x2goclient\$_OUTDIR\ to directly under x2goclient\ .

  4. Delete the x2goclient\$PLUGINSDIR\ folder and the x2goclient\$_OUTDIR\ folder.

  5. Once finished, your main folder should have dozens of files directly in it, the �pulse� subfolder, and the �VcXsrv� subfolder.

quartz (required by X2Go Client)

:!: The X2Go Mac client uses the OSX X11 server which can be obtained from here.

  • The X11 server must be configured to accept remote sessions in its preferences.

  • One must also enable a root screen in X11 preferences if one wants truly full screen view in X2Go.

  • After installation of XQuartz, the user has to log off and log on again.

  • Read further hints here�

:!: To make clipboard copy and paste - CTRL+V work normally use this one command:

echo -n "*VT100.translations: #override Meta <KeyPress> V: insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0)" >> ~/.Xdefaults

X2Go Client

Download X2Go for MacOS X� and install the DMG image.

System Preferences Config

:!: To use print, local media sharing, and sound, one must also enable Remote Login in the System Preferences.


X2Go Client is part of Ubuntu 12.04 & later, as well as Debian Wheezy & Jessie. Install it using the software center or by following command:

apt-get install x2goclient


The x2goclient package will install x2goclient on your GNU/Linux system and will make sure, that every needed package will be installed as dependency.

aptitude install x2goclient

You can now start X2Go Client by typing x2goclient at the command-line or you'll find it inside the �Internet� section of your menu inside your graphical desktop environment.

If your version does not include X2Go or you want to try that latest builds (it always takes some time until a new version arrives in the official repositories) you can add our repositories:

  • Adding the X2Go repo to Debian GNU/Linux

  • Adding the X2Go repo to Ubuntu GNU/Linux


You need to add our repository to yum:

* Redhat GNU/Linux

GNU/Linux with installation from source tarball

The sources of this X2Go component are available as source tarballs.

Using x2go client

Server url:


When you launch the x2goclient for the first time, it will start the new session dialogue automatically.

Otherwise press Session -> New session or alternatively Ctrl+N.


When you open the graphical user interface of the x2goclient, you'll be welcomed with a form to fill in your session details. The x2goclient manages sessions for each server you want to connect to. You can make settings for each one, and we'll go through the first together.

  • At first you'll choose a name for you session.

  • Then you'll need to enter how the server can be reached. You can enter an IP or a name for the host. If you choose a name, make sure it's resolvable from where you'll use the client.

  • Now set the username with which you are able to connect to the server. The user must have the right to log in to the server by SSH.

  • You can change the port for the server, but most probably it's the default SSH port, 22.

  • Now you can set, if you want to use RSA or DSA Keys, which one to use. For example: �/home/x2gouser/.ssh/id_rsa�

  • You could also just use a ssh-agent if you've got that available.

  • There is also the availability to use a proxy to connect to the x2goserver for which you could provide a set of different credentials and key to authenticate against.

  • The Session type field is used to select your desktop environment. Currently GNOME, XFCE and KDE are supported. You can also launch a Custom session, issuing a command (for example xterm). If you don't need specifically need any of the Gnome or KDE desktop features we recommend XFCE because it is very light-weight and hence faster. Keep in mind that you can of course still start all KDE or Gnome applications, it's just the window-manager which has less schnick-schnack.


The next Tab shows your connection settings:

  • You can adjust the bandwidth you have to be used by the x2goclient. (According to Linux Magazine Benchmark, WAN is the best fastest setting)

  • Also there is an option to actively adjust the compression methods for the image processing.


On the Settings tab you will be able to adjust your clients configuration for convenient day-to-day usage:

  • A whole set of Display settings can be used to configure the display for this session permanently.

  • You can set the exact keyboard layout and the language to be used for it.

  • The audio settings enable you to use the remote audio system locally and hear what would normally be heard on the remote side.

  • The last point in this tab enables the client side printing support to let you print locally from the remote side.


The last Tab for the session preferences is used to configure the folder sharing options:

  • You can use the x2goclient to share folders between the local client and the remote side you will connect to. This enables you to share documents and files between both sides.


We now went through all the settings available to the specific session. Press okay to save it and you'll see it on the main window, in the session list.


X2Go follows the general keyboard shortcuts of the NX client. In particular:

  • Ctrl + Alt + T: terminate session / disconnect

  • Ctrl + Alt + F: toggle fullscreen/windowed

  • Ctrl + Alt + M: minimize or maximize fullscreen window

  • Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys: move viewport (when remote screen is bigger than client window)

Some of these keyboard shortcuts overlap with default shortcuts of e.g. GNOME. See Customize NX Keyboard ShortcutsExternal link mark for a method to change the X2Go shortcuts.

Tab-key not working for bash-completion on XFCE

A bizarre bug redirects tab to window-switch on XFCE. You can fix this by editing one line in a file called


. In this file change the following line

<property name="&lt;Super&gt;Tab" type="string" value="switch_window_key"/>        

to this

<property name="&lt;Super&gt;Tab" type="empty"/>

. Don't ask... , restart your session and enjoy.


Source: https://lbtwiki.cern.ch/bin/view/Main/InstallingX2go

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