How Fast Do You Go Through Baby Wipes
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How fast do you go through wipes?
I feel like my daughters daycare is constantly asking me to bring in more wipes for her and I just don't see how she can go through that many that fast. I brought in a pack on Monday the 23rd and she goes to daycare mon-fri 8-2:30, of course she didn't go this Monday because of the holiday and they were closed. They just requested more yesterday. I bring in the Huggies one and done which has I believe 56 wipes in it or something like that. I haven't had a whole week with having her all the time since probably when I was on maternity leave, so I have no idea how fast she should be going through them. At least when I was on maternity leave, the wipes would last much much longer than that, and when she was in the other baby room at her daycare they lasted much longer as well. Now I know she's pooping more often now because she's been having foods and some formula, before she was just EBF. But I just feel like I shouldn't be having to bring in wipes every week. So my question is, how fast do you STAM go through wipes, or if your child goes to daycare, how often do you have to bring in wipes? I'm just concerned that they're using my wipes on other children because all last week when I picked up my daughter she was in a diaper that wasn't hers. I don't know if it was one of the other kids diapers, or just extra diapers that someone had grown out of. I also walked in on them putting puffs on a babies tray but I was almost positive I was the only one who had puffs there at the time. They also lost one of my daughters outfits and still have not been able to locate it.
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How Fast Do You Go Through Baby Wipes
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